How to Achieve Seamless Test Automation and Management with Xray and OpenTest Integration

In the fast-paced and dynamic telecommunications industry, where technological advancements occur rapidly, the reliability of software is crucial. Quality assurance processes help identify and rectify potential bugs and glitches in the software, ensuring that the telecom services operate seamlessly and without disruptions. Customer satisfaction is another critical aspect that directly correlates with the quality of software, processes and services. 

For these reasons, adopting an efficient quality assurance approach becomes a strategic necessity for businesses to remain competitive, but also to enhance their agility in adapting to evolving customer needs and industry trends. By implementing rigorous quality assurance measures, telecom companies can deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations, leading to increased trust and loyalty. 

Moreover, efficient quality assurance processes contribute to quicker product releases by streamlining development cycles, identifying issues early on, and facilitating a smooth deployment process. In essence, quality assurance is an indispensable element in the telecom industry, providing a solid foundation for reliable software, satisfied customers, and timely product releases. 

In the use case here presented we explore how a leading telecommunications provider in Latin and Central America overcame a multifaceted testing and quality assurance challenge integrating Xray and OpenTest. The telco company faced issues with scattered test data, fragmented workflows, and a lack of automation strategy. In this scenario, the integration of Xray, a powerful test management tool, with OpenTest, an open-source tool for automated functional testing, proved to be the ideal solution.

Industry: Telecom

Country: USA

Service areas: Quality Assurance

Tech: OpenTest | Xray | Rails | EKS

Methodology: Agile

Engagement: Fixed Price

Industry: Telecom

Country: USA

Service areas: Quality Assurance

Tech: OpenTest | Xray | Rails | EKS

Methodology: Agile

Engagement: Fixed Price

In the fast-paced and dynamic telecommunications industry, where technological advancements occur rapidly, the reliability of software is crucial. Quality assurance processes help identify and rectify potential bugs and glitches in the software, ensuring that the telecom services operate seamlessly and without disruptions. Customer satisfaction is another critical aspect that directly correlates with the quality of the software. 

For these reasons, adopting an efficient quality assurance approach becomes a strategic necessity for businesses to remain competitive, but also enhances their agility in adapting to evolving customer needs and industry trends. By implementing rigorous quality assurance measures, telecom companies can deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations, leading to increased trust and loyalty. 

Moreover, efficient quality assurance processes contribute to quicker product releases by streamlining development cycles, identifying issues early on, and facilitating a smooth deployment process. In essence, quality assurance is an indispensable element in the telecom industry, providing a solid foundation for reliable software, satisfied customers, and timely product releases. 

In the use case here presented we explore how a leading telecommunications provider in Latin and Central America overcame a multifaceted testing and quality assurance challenge integrating Xray and OpenTest. The telco company faced issues with scattered test data, fragmented workflows, and a lack of automation strategy. In this scenario, the integration of Xray, a powerful test management tool, with OpenTest, an open-source tool for automated functional testing, proved to be the ideal solution.


This leading provider of telecommunications services, which operates in several countries in Latin and Central America, encountered significant challenges regarding their testing and quality assurance processes. Despite having over 30 years of experience and providing mobile services to around 45 million clients and fiber-cable connectivity to over 13 million homes, the company did not have a strong and well-structured quality assurance strategy.  

Facing challenges with tool proliferation and fragmented testing processes, the telco provider sought Ritain.io’s expertise in quality assurance processes and test automation. The complexity of managing various testing tools led to inefficiencies and fragmented workflows. Inconsistencies in testing methods resulted in dispersed test data. Moreover, the company strongly relied on a manual testing process, requiring the implementation of a robust automation strategy. 

The company’s previous situation increased the risk of information loss and left room for human errors in manual testing processes. For this reason they needed a cohesive solution to centralize and streamline their testing efforts. OpenTest and Xray integration emerged as a strategic decision, as it allowed for the unification and improvement of both manual and automated testing processes.  

OpenTest is a free and open-source functional test automation framework for web applications, mobile apps, and APIs, built for scalability and extensibility, focusing on enabling mainstream test automation practices. Xray, on the other hand, is a tool that lets users streamline the process of test management and automation. It helps companies organize and manage tests, automate the process of test execution, and generate test reports.

Through Xray and OpenTest integration this company was able to respond to all its challenges: tool proliferation, complex processes, fragmented test information, and lack of a stronger automation strategy, relying mainly on manual tests. 


Xray and OpenTest Integration Challenges

Ensuring Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility between these tools and compliance with defined processes and workflows is complex, requiring custom development work. Besides, data synchronization between the two tools could lead to data inconsistencies and issues in traceability, demanding a good synergy to unlock the best of both solutions. 

Maintaining Xray and OpenTest Integration

Maintaining the Xray and OpenTest integration over time can be challenging due to updates and changes in both tools, requiring high monitoring and maintenance efforts to ensure the integration remains functional. Moreover, creating documentation, training and onboarding the team to effectively use both tools in conjunction was also an indispensable step. 

Compliance and Audit Processes

To comply with quality assurance and audit processes, all the details about a test scenario execution (from execution timestamps, to scenario step-by-step execution status and evidences) generated locally at OpenTest were required to be uploaded to Xray. Not having this information in Xray, would result in difficulties in visualizing test execution progress, potentially leading to incomplete or inaccurate test reporting.  

API Compatibility

The uncertainty regarding API compatibility between the two tools could further impede seamless data exchange, ultimately limiting the effectiveness of the integration and hampering traceability throughout the testing lifecycle. In the absence of a clear alignment of language and concepts, miscommunications could arise, potentially resulting in misunderstandings and misinterpretations of test data, ultimately jeopardizing the overall quality of the testing process.


During Xray and OpenTest integration a merger layer was built, using cloud native technology and infrastructure on AWS. By leveraging AWS’s cloud-native capabilities it was possible to provide the company with a powerful, secure and scalable integration solution, enabling a seamless end-to-end automation process, from code deployment to test execution and reporting. Moreover, this process also allowed for the implementation of the following main features:

Real-time testing activity view

Test execution triggerin

Erro handling and loggind


This strategic move of integrating Xray and OpenTest has delivered significant benefits. First and foremost, it has eliminated the need to navigate multiple testing tools, preventing the loss of critical information that often occurs in such fragmented environments. Secondly, automation has been embraced to reduce the potential for human errors during the testing process. As a result, the organization has achieved enhanced agility while simultaneously realizing cost savings derived from a more streamlined and error-resistant testing process. 

By seamlessly combining the functional test automation capabilities of OpenTest with the powerful test management power of Xray, teams could now achieve greater efficiency, improved test coverage, and faster time-to-market. Besides that, Xray and OpenTest integration also brought significant improvements for the work developed by several roles involved in the testing and project management processes. Here are some of the most relevant results, but we invite you to download our use case to have access to a detailed description of all benefits our client was able to achieve at the end of this project. 

Improved Test Efficiency

With the automation and implementation of other features within this integration, it was possible to reduce test execution time in more than 50%, considering end-to-end process: from triggering test execution to new issue creation evidence upload. By reducing the time execution of tests, it was also possible to reduce costs, improve response time to error and extend test coverage, boosting overall quality.

Better Communication and Cross-team Collaboration

Connecting the tools enabled seamless collaboration between team members. Testers can now easily trigger test runs from Xray, and developers can access the test results and logs. This fostered effective communication between testers and developers, helping them work together to resolve issues and improve the quality of the software. Moreover, it was possible to notice improvements in the number of issues logged, resolved, and retested, as well as the average time taken to resolve issues.

Cost Reduction

As the integration allowed for better test case management and automated test execution, it also had a significant financial impact. By reducing the time and effort required for testing activities, it is now possible to increase the volume of test executions, improving bug detection, leading to the delivery of high-quality products to the market faster, and enabling more revenue generation.


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